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Shirley Bales, artist.


My Story

I am inspired by expanding outside of myself, towards others and the nature of things. I believe our strength lies in our interconnectedness and through art, we express what matters, drawing us closer, enriching lives, and aligning us with that which is good, and greater than ourselves
As a multi-generational painter, I grew up with shag carpeting, a marron velvet sofa, and my grandfather's art as the backdrop of my life. As a child, I spent most of my time drawing endlessly, and always knew that I was meant to be an artist. I spent several years at Riverside Community College, learning the fundamentals of art in an unusually challenging program for the time. It emphasized first learning the visual language from life, then encouraged self-expression.
The Portfolio Review
This community college was filled with students who aspired to, and had been accepted to, Art Center College of Design Pasadena. Art Center provided a great deal of artistic talent to Disney, Hollywood, Fortune 500 companies, and Silicon Valley. I spent the next few years painting from life and building my portfolio to apply to Art Center.

I believed at the time that I needed to go to an art school if I were to make a career in art. After several years of honing my skills, with encouragement from peers and instructors, I decided to pack up my small family and make the 40-minute drive to Pasadena for a portfolio review. In my portfolio, I had included one of my favorite graphite drawings of an old woman, weathered by time. Beyond technical ability, I felt I had captured emotion in her face, and was sure that my aptitude as an artist would be evident. 

My portfolio review did not go as planned. There I was standing before a man I did not know, behind a folding table, as he acknowledged my artistic ability and quickly changed his opinion once I introduced my husband and one-year-old daughter. He stated that the program is rigorous and not for a woman with a young family, especially one that lives 40 minutes away. I responded that I am extremely committed and have a large support system, and could move closer and make it work. He dismissed me and moved on.
New Mexico
I let this man's prejudice of me change the trajectory of my life. That was the day that I decided that I needed to pursue a different path. I embarked on a successful career as a real estate agent, earning recognition in the local news. Yet, the success that followed felt hollow, for it wasn't my authentic self. Ultimately, the real estate crash and subsequent recession altered my life path for me.  

Even though I let this man deter me, I never stopped creating art and never gave up on my dream of being a professional artist. I continued to learn and immerse myself in the technical aspects of artmaking from a forum, comprised of forerunners of the Classical Realism & Atelier Movement.  Over two decades, I cultivated a unique color sensibility through plein air painting and the Academy of  Barry John Raybould, all the while navigating life's twists and turns from California to Colorado. Through the very challenging times, I turned to art as my sanctuary, a tribute to hope and resilience.
 Now based in Colorado, I embrace my newfound calling—to share my story and connect with a broader community. My art serves as a testament to the resilience of the human spirit, inviting others to join me on a journey of courage and authenticity, as I continue to evolve and envision a brighter future—one layer at a time.

Need More?

View my view my Curriculum Vitae for all the professional affiliations, places I have shown, and a short bio